IOSIN EMSO-EUXINUS operates as a department within the Constanta branch of the National Research - Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology - INCD GeoEcoMar.
INCD GeoEcoMar was founded in 1993 under the name of the Romanian Center for Marine Geology and Geoecocology, later, its technical potential and scientific performance obtained in a short period of time, allowed it to obtain the status of "institute of national interest". giving it also the quality of national pole of excellence in geological, geophysical and geoecological research and advice on marine, coastal and inland waters, as well as a reference center for Marine and Earth Sciences.


The IOSIN EMSO-EUXINUS network is one of these networks, composed of 3 observatories (offshore beacons) and a coastal one, which provides, in real time, scientific data specific to the marine field, which allow researchers to increase their knowledge of marine phenomena, simplifying decisively modeling them, both from a geological point of view, and from a biological and meteorological point of view.

The knowledge of the surface hydrodynamic processes (directions and current speeds) has been possible until now, this system also allowing the monitoring of those that occur in depth and near the seabed. The same is possible for knowing some water parameters, such as: temperature, salinity, fluorescence, etc., all with direct implications on the quality and development of marine ecosystems.
The priority objective of the National Center for Monitoring and Alarming to Natural Marine Hazards - EUXINUS, as part of the European consortium EMSO ERIC, is to provide information to researchers, engineers working in the industry developing technology used in the marine field, political decision and, last but not least, the general public.


The implementation in Romania of the IOSIN EMSO-EUXINUS network was carried out through the CBC Romania - Bulgaria MARINEGEOHAZARD project, between 2011 and 2013, when INCD GeoEcoMar developed the first complex real-time monitoring - alarm system, in case of marine hazards. west of the Black Sea, a fact of great importance for the security of the coastal area of ​​Romania. Through this achievement, the surveillance of the Romanian territory could be extended to the marine field, which until then was totally unmonitored in real time. The value of the MARINEGEOHAZARD project was 5,969,327.26 Euro, of which 5,063,183.38 Euro ERDF funds, the difference representing the national financing.